Note: You only have to download the Flying Upload automation. Flying Research, Design Management, online Edit and all other functions work online through the app!

1️⃣ Login to your account on

2️⃣ Navigate on the top right to the Flying Upload area by clicking the Flying logo


3️⃣ Click in the left side bar on Setup POD Uploader


4️⃣ Choose the version for your device. Windows or Mac Note: You find the installation tutorial right below the download button! Or here for ➡️***Windows*** or ➡️***Mac***


5️⃣ You find the installation tutorial right below the download button! Or here for ➡️***Windows*** or ➡️***Mac***

6️⃣ The launcher will start and download the current version ❗Note: You always start the launcher before Flying Upload opens. If a new update is available it will download the new version.


7️⃣ Enter your login data and click Login. You DON’T need a license key. This is just for users from the old system.


➡️ You see now all modules enabled. If you have a store version, the FREE Version banner will be gone and you can use all functionalities of your package.
